To empower the Bronx through nutritious food access and plant-based cooking education, promoting health and wellness, and addressing food disparities.
2024 Events
Postponed until further notice.
Bronx Eats is launching a full season of plant-based cooking demos at the new Cafe at Fordham Plaza. No registration required!
Get ready for the Fordham Farmers Market: The new Fordham Farmers Market will be open every Friday, June 7th-Oct. 25, 2024 from 10-3 pm. Vendors Needed
Bronx Eats has another amazing season of healthy, delicious, affordable, and culturally relevant cooking demos in store for you. You won’t want to miss this incredible lineup of professional NYC chefs
How Demos Work:
Bronx Eats offers interactive plant-based cooking demonstrations all over the Bronx to teach recipe preparation and basic cooking skills for diverse cuisines using as many fresh, seasonal, and local ingredients as possible. We come to you with professional NYC chefs! Tastings are available after each demo.
Featured on BronxNet
Thank You to BronxNet for having us on OPEN! As Bronx Eats celebrates its 5th anniversary, we’re grateful to our Bronx community partners who invite our talented chefs to cook, educate, and inspire healthy and nutritious eating habits!
Who We Are:
Welcome to our Bronx Eats community on YouTube! You'll find recipes and cooking demonstrations so that you and your family can prepare and enjoy healthy plant-based dishes! Follow along and cook with our professional NYC chefs :-)
Get Involved:
Sign up to learn more about upcoming programs, including the Fordham Farmers Market, healthy food festivals, and cooking demos at the new Cafe at Fordham Plaza (open to the public and free of charge)
Call to Action:
Join Bronx Eats in bringing sustainable change to the food system by promoting healthy plant-based eating habits, reducing disparities in diet-related diseases, and increasing access to nutritious fresh food in the Bronx.